Member Application Select An Option Membership Dues Price of Level Selected (Price Range: $50 - $250 Annually) Select Level Business/ For Profit 0-6 employees: $75 Annually Business/ For Profit 15+ employees: $250 Annually Business/ For Profit 7-14 employees: $100 Annually Non Profit / Non business / Retired: $50 Annually Membership dues are based on the number of full-time employees &/or equivalent. Equivalent means to add total hours of all part-time employees in one week and divide by 40 hours to equal the total number of equivalent full time employees in you organization. Dues for new members will be pro-rated per month of the fiscal year after December 31st. Lead Member Starting at $187.50 Quarterly Lead Membership benefits include displaying of company logo at chamber events. You will receive a plaque to display in your business. Membership dues are included in the lead sponsorship and are tax deductible as a business advertising expense. Silver Member Starting at $312.50 Quarterly Silver member benefits include reserved seating at the annual awards banquet and annual auction fundraiser. Company logo will be displayed at chamber events and will be included on the weekly E-BLAST. Membership advertisement printed in the award banquet and auction fundraising event programs. Plaque to display in your business. Annual Membership dues included in the silver sponsorship. Silver membership is tax deductible as a business advertising expense. Gold Member Starting at $625 Quarterly Gold Membership benefits include reserved front row seating at the annual awards banquet and annual auction fundraiser. Company Logo displayed on the chamber website homepage, displayed at events and included on the weekly E-BLAST. Special acknowledgement at all chamber events. Membership advertisement printed in the award banquet and auction fundraising event programs. Plaque to display in your business. Annual Membership dues included in the sponsorship. Gold membership is tax deductible as a business advertising expense. Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone